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Great Eagle Thiazi (Tournament Pack Vol. 3) (PR-025) [Launch & Event Promos]

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Set Name: Launch & Event Promos
Card Number: PR-025
Release Date: TBA
Rarity: Promo
Card Type: Spirit
Cost: 4
Color: Yellow
Spirit Type: Fabled Beast
Flavor Text: Evidence that the ages of myth were times of abundance and cultural advancement can be found in many historic ruins, and nowhere is it more pronounced than in the Realm of Frost.
[LV I] [LV II] [LV III] When Summoned

Select one of your opponent's spirits. Reduce its BP by 2000 during this turn.

[LV III] During Your Attack Step

All of your LV1 Birdfolk spirits cannot be blocked by your opponent's spirits that are LV2.